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My Campus: London

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Designed to provide you with in-depth practical experience and relevant skills to succeed in a user interface & visual design related field.

A great digital UI Designer has the skills and knowledge to create delightful visual designs that are true to the brand while balancing seamless interactivity and ease of navigation for apps and websites. With today’s growing consumer expectations of flawless, high quality experiences, the caliber of the UI Design can be what makes or breaks the success of a business.

Throughout this 12-week program, students will engage in the creative process and learn how to apply design theory foundations to create engaging user interfaces for apps and websites. They will learn the technical aspects of user interface design while simultaneously building the skills to work on multidisciplinary teams in an agency, start up, or freelance environment.


Week Program


Client Projects




Typography, Colour & Composition

Create coherent and balanced designs by making good use of colour, typography and other visual elements.

Web & App Design

Design responsive websites and apps considering their specific technologies and platforms.

Creative Thinking

Lead brainstorming sessions to facilitate conceptual thinking and adopt a strategic and human-centric approach to problem solving.

User Interface Design & Prototyping

Create clickable prototypes of marketable and intuitive websites and apps that effortlessly let the user to accomplish their goals.

Creative Design Software

Learn Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, Principle, and get an introduction to InDesign.

Workflow and Client Management

Understand how to work with clients, manage expectations and set up workflows that deliver the results clients are looking for.

Branding & Marketing

Create conceptual campaigns and design the elements of a great visual identity and style-guide: logo, corporate colours, typographic rules, etc.


Learn how to effectively communicate through iconography, and design pixel perfect icons using illustrator.

Responsive Web Design

Create website designs that are optimized for all screen sizes including mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Mobile App Design

Create digital interfaces optimized for mobile considering touch interactions and common usability patterns.

Being part of a small, tight-knit community of inquisitive classmates and passionate teachers, has really transformed my experience and understanding of design. The UI program has both taught me the technical and soft skills necessary to exceed in my endeavours, and has helped set me up for future successes through workshops, community projects etc. RED and particularly the UI program, really created a safe space for all of us to learn, grow and fail all at once – helping us to continuously challenge ourselves.

Vivian Lin, Web Designer at DRIVE Digital

Student Journey

Your Day-To-Day

Our commitment to a fully engaged learning process extends into the creation of an energizing environment where you have the time to work and play.

Project-Based Applied Learning

You will be given time to work with your team on client projects. It’s during that time that instructors, mentors and TAs will be available to give you guidance and feedback on your work.

Personal & Professional Development

Technical skills and knowledge are one thing, but the reality is that soft-skills are really what will make you a key member of any team. Creativity, empathy and collaboration are the themes we focus on in our PPD program.

Peer & Instructor Feedback

Peer evaluation is a tremendously effective way to not only gain the skills required to assess the quality of a team member’s work, but also to learn how to receive and articulate constructive feedback to them.

Networking & Field Trips

You will be given the opportunity to visit agencies and businesses hiring for digital roles to gain a better understanding of company cultures and environments.

Industry Guest Speakers

Industry-taught leaders are often invited in to help with the delivery of specialized topics, and to share inspiring insights on the state of the industry.

Active Learning Methodology

Instructors facilitate lessons which are designed to be highly interactive and engaging to optimize your retention rate. We are passionate about making learning fun.

Launch Your Career

You will receive support throughout your job search process. The Career Support Team advises on job opportunities, introduces students to the RED Hiring Network and provides coaching during the interview and negotiation process. You are also given continual support from your instructors. This includes connecting industry professionals and providing references to potential employers. We are committed to supporting our graduates until a job offer is made within their respected fields of study. The roles outlined below are most commonly available to students post graduation but are not limited to these roles:

UI Designer

UI Designers usually specialize in creating style guides to guide the design of interfaces for websites, desktop and mobile applications.

Product Designer

A Product Designer is someone who is involved along every step of the process to create a unified experience and a seamless product. Designers who have a broad skill set are typically good candidates.

Web Designer

With so many businesses and organizations needing online presence, designers who can work effectively to create responsive websites are very high in demand.

Graphic Designer

You will have basic knowledge of the core concept behind graphic design: composition, colour theory and typography which you will be able to apply to any media including print.

Tuition & Dates

How To Apply

Applying to RED is super easy. Our dedicated admissions team members are there to guide and support your each step of the way.

Learn About Our Admissions Process

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